零售 & 电子商务

你的 零售 & 电子商务 业务流程外包 & 人力资源合作伙伴

在充满活力的零售和电子商务世界里, businesses must continuously innovate to stay ahead of the competition. 从小型网上商店到大型全渠道零售商, 对高效运营的需求, 卓越的客户服务, 流线型物流也在不断增加. We offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the unique challenges of the retail and e-commerce sector.



从客户支持到库存管理和数字营销, our staffing solutions drive growth in your retail and e-commerce operations.


Enhance your customer service operations with our specialized talent. We provide dedicated customer support representatives through multiple channels, 包括电话, 电子邮件, 和实时聊天. 无论你是需要全职员工还是临时扩充, our professionals ensure your customers receive timely and effective assistance, 提高满意度和忠诚度.



Streamline your order processing with our expert order management and fulfillment professionals. 我们招聘和安置专业人才来处理订单输入, 跟踪, 物流协调, 以及退货管理, 确保准确及时地完成订单. 我们的解决方案减少错误,提高客户满意度.


Maintain optimal stock levels and efficient supply chains with our inventory management experts. We provide staff augmentation and direct placement of inventory managers, 股票控制器, 采购专家. Our professionals use advanced 跟踪 and reporting tools to ensure efficient 库存控制 and supply chain management.



Ensure seamless e-commerce operations with our IT and technical support specialists. We place skilled IT professionals to maintain and optimize your e-commerce platforms, 提供网络安全解决方案, 处理技术问题. Whether you need ongoing support or project-based staffing, we have the right talent for your needs.


Boost your online presence with our digital marketing and SEO experts. 我们为内容创作提供专业人才, 社交媒体管理, SEO策略实施. 我们的专业人员驱动流量, 提高转化率, 提升品牌知名度, 确保你的营销努力是有效的和有影响力的.



Find the right professionals to support your retail and e-commerce operations with our recruitment and staffing services. We offer specialized talent recruitment for staff augmentation and direct placement, 确保你有合适的候选人来实现你的业务目标. Our global talent cloud provides access to a diverse pool of pre-vetted candidates ready to drive your success.


改变你的 零售 & 电子商务操作


Our outsourcing and staffing solutions allow you to reduce operational costs by leveraging our global talent pool. Whether you need temporary staff augmentation for peak seasons or permanent direct placements, we offer flexible engagement models that scale with your business needs, 确保你只付你需要的钱.


We provide access to a diverse pool of pre-vetted professionals with the specific skills and expertise required for the retail and e-commerce sector. From customer support and logistics to digital marketing and IT support, our talent ensures your business can adapt quickly to market demands and maintain high performance.


Our services streamline critical business processes such as order management, 库存控制, 以及客户服务. By outsourcing these functions or augmenting your existing teams with our specialized talent, 您可以提高运营效率, 减少错误, 专注于推动增长的战略举措.


Deliver 卓越的客户服务 with our dedicated support teams and marketing experts. 我们的解决方案确保您的客户及时收到, 有效的帮助和引人入胜的内容, 提升他们的整体体验,培养他们的忠诚度. This not only boosts satisfaction but also helps in retaining and attracting new customers.


利用我们独家的零售专业网络. Our talent pool includes experts across various specializations such as supply chain managers, 电子商务专家, 数字营销人员, 以及客户服务代表, ensuring you find the right fit for your needs quickly and efficiently.


通过与1840合作 & 公司, 您可以增强您的零售和电子商务服务, 实现运营效率, 提高客户满意度. 我们的专业知识, 技术驱动的解决方案, and commitment to excellence make us the ideal partner for your staffing needs.


Adapt to the ever-changing demands of the retail and ecommerce industry with our scalable outsourcing solutions. 你是否需要应对季节性的激增, 扩大产品线, 或者简化操作, our flexible models ensure you get the right level of support at every stage.


轻松驾驭复杂的零售法规. 我们的专业人员对GDPR非常了解, CCPA, 以及其他监管要求, ensuring your operations remain compliant while delivering high-quality retail services.


利用我们具有竞争力的全球定价模式最大化您的预算. By leveraging our extensive network of retail professionals worldwide, 我们提供具有成本效益的解决方案而不影响质量, 帮助您降低运营成本,提高盈利能力.


Incorporate cutting-edge technology into your retail operations with our AI-driven solutions. From inventory management systems to personalized customer experience platforms, we provide the tools and expertise to enhance efficiency 提高客户满意度.

