银行 & 金融

你的 银行 业务流程外包 & 人力资源合作伙伴

In the highly regulated and competitive world of banking and financial services, institutions are constantly striving to enhance efficiency, 确保遵从性, 并提供优质的客户服务. 从零售银行到投资公司, the demand for specialized talent and streamlined processes is critical. We offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the unique challenges of the banking sector.

银行业业务流程外包 & 人员配备

聘请专业银行人才 & 团队

从客户服务到合规和风险管理, our expert team delivers tailored solutions that drive efficiency, 确保法规遵从性, 提高客户满意度.


Delivering exceptional customer service is crucial in the banking industry. 我们提供全面的客户支持解决方案, 包括呼叫中心运营, 帮助台服务, 以及多渠道的客户参与, ensuring your clients receive timely and effective assistance.



我们的IT外包服务涵盖应用程序开发, 维护, 网络安全, 和IT基础设施管理. We help banks stay ahead of technological advancements and protect against cyber threats, 确保无缝安全运行.


把你的财务和会计工作外包出去, 包括事务处理, 帐户和解, 财务报告, 税务合规. 我们的专家确保准确性和效率, freeing your team to focus on strategic financial planning.



驾驭监管要求是复杂而关键的. 我们提供合规性监控服务, 报告, 欺诈检测, 反洗钱(AML)合规, 帮助您的机构保持合规并降低风险.


我们的人力资源外包服务包括招聘, 工资处理, 福利管理, 以及员工培训和发展. We help you manage your workforce effectively, ensuring you attract and retain top talent.



Accurate data management and insightful analytics are vital for informed decision-making. 我们提供数据输入, 数据处理, 以及高级分析服务, enabling you to leverage data for strategic growth and operational efficiency.


改变你的 银行业务 提供专业的人力资源解决方案


Outsourcing non-core activities allows banks to significantly reduce operational costs and improve efficiency. We help banks scale their operations up or down based on market demand, ensuring optimal resource utilization without the burden of maintaining a large in-house team.


Banks require specialized skills for various functions such as IT, compliance, and customer service. We provide access to a global pool of experts with the necessary knowledge and experience. This ensures that your institution can address complex challenges with top-tier talent and innovative solutions.


通过外包日常和耗时的任务, banks can focus more on their core activities such as strategic planning, 风险管理, 以及客户关系管理. Our staffing solutions enable your internal teams to concentrate on high-value activities that drive growth and competitive advantage.


Navigating the complex regulatory landscape is crucial for banking institutions. Our 业务流程外包 solutions include compliance and 风险管理 services that ensure adherence to local and international regulations. This helps mitigate risks, avoid penalties, and maintain the integrity of your operations.


利用我们专属的金融专业人士网络. Our talent pool includes experts across various specializations such as investment bankers, 金融分析师, 合规官员, 风险管理人员, ensuring you find the right fit for your needs quickly and efficiently.


通过与1840合作 & 公司, 您可以提高您的金融服务, 实现运营效率, 提高客户满意度. 我们的专业知识, 技术驱动的解决方案, and commitment to excellence make us the ideal partner for your banking and finance outsourcing needs.


Adapt to the ever-changing demands of the banking and finance industry with our scalable outsourcing solutions. 是否需要处理交易激增, 扩大服务的, 或者简化操作, our flexible models ensure you get the right level of support at every stage.


Navigate the complexities of financial regulations with ease. 我们的专业人士对多德-弗兰克法案非常了解, 《世界杯足彩》(Basel III), 以及其他监管要求, ensuring your operations remain compliant while delivering high-quality financial services.


Maximize your budget with our competitive global pricing model. By leveraging our extensive network of financial professionals worldwide, we offer cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality, helping you reduce operational costs and improve profitability.


Incorporate cutting-edge technology into your financial operations with our AI-driven solutions. 从自动交易系统到区块链平台, we provide the tools and expertise to enhance efficiency and improve financial outcomes.

